
Tax Issue - Spring 2019

Welcome to the Spring 2019 Edition of the Tax Issue. Over the last number of years there has been a lot of media attention on how multinationals structure their affairs internationally to minimise taxation. 

This negative publicity prompted the OECD and the EU to introduce measures to target aggressive tax planning. Ireland has been keen to be seen to be playing its part in introducing anti-avoidance legislation and tackling aggressive tax planning, especially following on from the media backlash around the so called “stateless companies” and the “Double Irish” structure. In this issue we look at a number of recent developments in this space and legislative provisions Ireland has introduced to comply with its obligations under the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive.

This issue also looks at the whole area of short term lettings of residential property, the moves underway by Government to try and curtail this practice and how Revenue have been grappling with the taxation considerations. Finally we look at an interesting case on dwelling house relief (a relief from Capital Acquisitions Tax) that Revenue lost, both in the Tax Appeals Commission and in the High Court.

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Ronan McGivern

Head of Tax, Tax Partner

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